My name is David Mitchell and I have been active in promoting the appropriate use of technology in the classroom since 1990. I am a former elementary teacher with the Brownsville Independent School District, who taught 4th grade and later K-5th using the first adoption of the Texas Technology TEKS in the late nineties.
After 15 years at a campus I move to our district’s Instructional Technology Department as a Lead Teacher and along with 3 other Lead Teachers, established the first professional development plan for technology integration in our district. In that capacity I have led several grants including the Title II Part D, to assist the district in implementing a variety of programs to promote educational technology. I have been a project leader who oversaw programs district-wide including, one-to-one tablet adoption and an elementary coding initiative.
I have trained thousands of teachers in order to assist them with them the skills and resources necessary to effectively integrate technology and make it more learner centered.
Let me use my skills to help you.
Email me at